Whether on urban metro trains operating in tropical surroundings, on long-distance coaches in freezing arctic winters, or with sophisticated functionalities for operation in desert landscapes: Merak products cope with all climate zones, all kinds of conditions, and operate equally well in temperatures from as low as -45 °C up to +55 °C.
Merak HVAC systems are available for all types of vehicles (High-speed trains, Metros, Regional and commuter trains, Light rail vehicles, Passenger coaches and Locomotives) and with a wide variety of types of installation: roof-embedded or roof-top, under-floor or compartment. For driver’s cabs or passenger cars. For newly-built state-of-the-art vehicles as well as for complex modernization projects.
We build on decades of experience, thousands of units successfully in operation, and continuous improvement. And there is more to come.
28906 Getafe
España - Spain
Fax: +34 911 459 444
Global solutions that fit
Our product orientation and global footprint give us the ability to address the increasingly variable environmental conditions and assure maximum passenger comfort with the combined experience from all over the world. We are proud of our portfolio of modular and connected systems which makes them easy to adapt to our customers' requirements. Along with the efficiency of our design in terms of size, weight, noise and energy consumption, we offer a complete catalogue of configurable functions to ensure the best performance over the entire life of our products. These functions may include improvement of air quality (filters, UV lamps, ionization,…), energy efficiency (VVVF, heat pump, demand control ventilation, energy recovery,…) and even fire protection.

Innovation for a green[air] and clean[air] future

HVAC for rail vehicles is a global challenge
Rising urbanization, changing mobility and more climate and ecological responsibility create new challenges. This demands innovation. Merak offers climate control solutions that make health and comfort sustainable.

Passenger Solutions for health and comfort
Be it with filter technology or air treatment, our systems help to protect the travelers’ health while at the same time keeping them comfortable with first class temperature regulation or pressure wave protection.
clean[air] Technology
Environment and Energy Solutions for a green future
We stay ahead of market requirements by offering energy efficient and environmentally friendly solutions.
green[air] Technology